The French Project


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Learning life

In Normandy

Everything is colorful in the Gardens. 
If I could fall in love with one place, that would be Normandy (and Australia, but let's concentrate on Normandy). I shall venture to explain to the world (or the few people who read my blog) why Normandy was so GREAT! First of all, there were these wonderful gardens there, Monet's Gardens. They were so pretty, so colorful, and magnificent that pictures can't do them justice, but don't worry, I took some anyway. I can't say that I like Monet as a painter, but the guy knew how to plant a garden. (At least his gardener did.) After the gardens, our study abroad group when to a town devoted to Joan of Arc. I don't know what it was called. All I know is that I ate the BEST, BIGGEST, and CHEAPEST pizza I have ever had in my life. Those words don't normally go together, but in this town they did. I also had an awful bathroom experience there. I have never wanted to curse someone as much as I did this girl. To bad I'm not a wizard and couldn't do a body bind spell on her. That would have been great. After the Joan of Arc town, (as I will forever think of it) we went to these ruins of a cathedral. That was so cool. We were all a little apprehensive about this before going, but it was actually fantastic. The pictures will show all. After that, we were of to Bayeux were we stayed for the night.
The next day, we went to see the Bayeux Tapestry, or the tapestry that is really an embroidery. (This fact entertained us a lot more than you would expect.) The tapestry was really cool though. I don't envy the people who had to create it at all. Then we got to my FAVORITE parts of the trip. We started going to the WWII beaches and battlement grounds. I could probably write a book about how much I love visiting all those spots. It was great. I love learning about WWII (The Civil War is still my baby though). The most memorable part was visiting the cemetery at Omaha Beach. I think we all cried at some point during that visit.
Don't they all look delicious!!!
The next day, we returned to Paris, but not before going to the WWII museum. The museum was actually on WWI, WWII, and other things, but I learned the most about WWII while there. After the museum, we went to a cheese factory (a fromagerie in french) were we learned about the process of making three different types of cheese. That was cool, but smelly. Then we returned to Paris were I celebrated my 20th birthday (YEAH-YEAH!) with dinner and a dance. Such a great weekend. I will NEVER forget Normandy. 

Maddie and Kayla by the Lili Pad Pond

The Gardens
The pretties sunflower EVER!

Clear view of the lili pads

The Ruins

These are the ruins of a church that was torn
down during the time of the French Revolution.
Annie, Olivia and me enjoying history.

The Beaches and Battlements

Me, Olivia, Caitlyn, Lucy and Mallory
by a firing cannon used in WWII
Kayla and Maddie posing with the cannon.
Not sure what I'm doing there. 
They look great don't they. I love this picture.
Sydney, Noah, Maddie, Alicia, Heather, and Nate
on top of one of the bunkers. 

Annie and Sydney on one of the Beaches

Olivia is clearly enjoying herself here.

The Omaha Cemetery 
This is the cross that was used to mark the
graves of the unknown soldiers.
This one really hit me hard. 

This is the stone cutting used to mark
the graves of the Jewish soldiers

The Cemetery was so pretty and so sad.
Everywhere I looked in every direction,
the crosses seemed to go on and on. 

Kayla posing on the steps leading down to
Omaha Beach. It's was a long and steep
walk down. 

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