The French Project


Monday, October 8, 2012

Living life 

In Paris

Hello all! I know that it has been a while since I last posted something, so here I am.  Since my last post, we (our study abroad group) have taken two other trips. The first one was a three-day one to Normandy and then a day trip to Chartres. They were awesome, and I will definitely talk about them later, but I want to talk about Paris life right now. People are always asking me, “Hey Carine, what do you do while you’re in Paris?” (No one asks me that really, but I wish someone would.) To those people I say, read my blog. Well, here are the details. DON’T WORRY! There are PICTURES bellow the words. (I give you full permission to skip the blog and go straight to the pictures, that’s what I normally do.)

            I’m taking five classes while I’m here, but only three of them require me to go to an actual classroom. In the other two, I can do what I want, but I need to meet the requirements every week or at the end of the semester. So here is my schedule.
·      Monday thru Friday l’École Étoile: 9 to 11
o   I have to wake up around 7:20 to be ready for this class. I have a 50 minutes metro commute everyday to get to school.
o   This were I learn the most French
·      Every Monday I have religion from 1:30 to 3:30
o   This is a really cool class. It’s religion in a world setting, so we learn about the start of the Mormon Church through out Europe.
·      Then I have three hours of Art History once or twice a week.
o   This class is completely random and I never know when we’re going to meet. Luckily there is a syllabus that tell us where to be when
o   The cool thing though, we meet at different times in all sort of museums all over Paris. It’s REALLY great.
o   We had class at the Louvre last Wednesday, SO GREAT!
·      Then I have 211. This is a conversation class. I have certain requirements that I need to meet every week, but I can do them whenever I want.
o   I can be diligent and get it all done through out the week, or freak out and cram it all in at the end. NBD!
·      The last class is the Paris Walks class. THIS class is the diamond in the bunch. It is the class with so many perks. The walks take you around Paris and teach you about the city, they take time so you don’t get bored, and they allow you to mingle and have fun with everyone. There’s more to it then just doing the walks, we have to read books and do cultural activities, but it is a great class.
o   I have taken some pretty great walks. I have pictures below that will show the amazing things I do everyday.
So, my days consists of me going to classes, doing Paris walks, eating delicious Parisian foods, hanging out with the other people on the study abroad, hanging out with my host family, doing homework and taking everything in. All I have to say is that life is AMAZING.

Pictures of our groups enjoying Paris

In front of St. Michelle
Being silly in front of St. Michelle
In front of Notre Dames
Kayla and Maddie chilling behind
Notre Dames
The back of Notre Dames

Sydney, Kaitlin and Heather strike a pose!

Some of us relaxing, still behind Notre Dames

Me, Sydney, Olivia, Maddie, and Kayla in
our Art History Class. This is how I learn!
Me in Art History. I really like
Pretending to be statues. It's a
Reoccurring theme in my pictures.

Cori (my roommate) eating Chinese
food In France! I was too along with
Noah Veloz.

Aside from the chinese food, look at the things
we eat. This Maddie enjoying a Moose
covered Macaroon.

Pierre Hérmé is a real upscale bakery in paris. And it
is a delicious bakery. This is a Mille Feuille that I
got. It cost 6.90 Euros. I enjoyed every bite of it.
This was Kayla's little piece of heaven, also from
Pierre Hérmé. We found the Bakery during
one of our Paris walks.


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