The French Project


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Learning life

In Chartres

The delicious and delicious looking dessert.
So, we went to Chartres for a day trip last week-end. It was pretty great, but there is a reason why this blog is under learning life instead of being a loving life moment. So we take the train for an hour both ways to get to Chartres and we were there for maybe three or four hours. It was still fine because we got to take this tour with this old British man who probably knew everything you needed to know about the Chartres Cathedral. Everything was still fine at that point. Where life got sucky was the part were we had to climb about a thousand stairs (I am not even joking right now) to get to the very tippy top of the cathedral. My legs have never burned so much. It was cool up there though. After that we went and ate lunch where I had a delicious and a delicious looking dessert, then we came home to Paris. It was pretty fun. Check out the pictures! After I got home, I'm all ready to get on my computer and be productive, then my suddenly, it starts FREAKING OUT. That's when our war started. If you want to know more, go to my French Project Page!

Some of the windows of Chartres

This is view AFTER we climb those forsaken stairs.

Cori and I at the top. Look at the view behind us.

Olivia, Cori, and I enjoying our success.

Olivia, Kaitlin and me enjoying the view.

It was somewhat worth it.

Annie, Sage, Alicia, Lucy, and Heather strike a pose.

You see the tip top, that's how high up we were.

Going down is always better.
(I think it's actually scarier, it's so much easier to fall!)

Cori wasn't scare of no stairs though. 

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